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Show Us Your Desktop!


A random wiki page idea from [Ringbearer]


Hey there Elfpackers, hit that print screen button and share a pic of your desktop. Just keep the Uploading Art Rules in mind.

Please do not resize your screen shot. Upload it as a huge pic and then scale it like this <img300:stuff/zoloftzantacDesktop.jpg>






[Love like Winter.]




X-Men 3: The Last Stand Opens Friday, May 26, 2006.




[eyes of frost]

Rachel really likes Bleach :)


[Clive Scorch]


[Big Brother]
Ya, ya. it looks like a girly background but it's a good anime series!




[Eyes of the Reaper]
May 2006:

December 2011:


[gods2armys] ok be honnest everyone, who wants aids now ^_^


its the view from the front of my house the sun is so beautyful isnt it ^_^


[Amalaswinta] - made it myself


[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing] - Van Helsing all the way..

[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing] - IPhone home screen, technically my background cause I mainly use my phone, lol! ^n,.,n^


[Elisa] -I'm a 99% The Sims fan and I love gardens...




[Sunrose] - Renewed



Old ones (a lil bit naughty) -><img50*0:stuff/kittys_sexy_desktop2.jpg><img50*0:stuff/kittys_sexy_desktop.jpg>


[Morningstar Rising] All done by little ole me. LOL


[Frosty French Fry]






How to Show Us your Desktop

To the right of the F buttons (like F1 F2 F3) there is a "print screen" button. Pressing it copies your desktop to your clipboard. After that just open up your paint program and paste it in (CTRL+V)

These are fun when they are still full size, if you can't upload images that large to EP lets us know, we might be able to get you some temperary upload privs. ;)


Thanks to [Ringbearer], [zoloftzantac] and [Big Brother] for ideas, help and content.


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2006-04-24 [Ringbearer]: OMG, foot pr0n!! O_o

2006-04-24 [zoloftzantac]: ha, great wall paper! ^_^

2006-04-24 [Love like Winter.]: lol, great wiki idea :D

2006-04-24 [Orestez]: Yay! great fun!

2006-04-24 [zoloftzantac]: Sweet! This wiki is growing ^_^

2006-04-24 [Love like Winter.]: Oooh, another user of share a bear :P

2006-04-24 [skullhead]: lol god one

2006-04-24 [Orestez]: indeed, I R use teh Bearshare!

2006-04-24 [zoloftzantac]: I'm still on the LimeWire, but it's not as cool as it used to be ...

2006-04-24 [Orestez]: nice santi!

2006-04-24 [skullhead]: Cool [Firenze] you know my father did that ones but in the bathroom hamper

2006-04-24 [Love like Winter.]: o,o

2006-04-24 [Firenze]: lol

2006-04-24 [eyes of frost]: Okay, so how am I supposed to get my desktop like that and save it to upload it here? *Ish a little confused*

2006-04-24 [zoloftzantac]: first you use the magic "print screen" button (next to F12) then after you push that button launch photoshop, create a new file and then do a paste

2006-04-24 [eyes of frost]: Muahaha...Thank you. Now...I have a background from the Anime Bleach...that is still okay right?

2006-04-24 [eyes of frost]: MUAHAHAHA!!!! Rachel's desktop...Wait...I have another one...*thinks* Nah...I like this one. Lol.

2006-04-24 [zoloftzantac]: thanks Rachel ^_^ very cool wallpaper

2006-04-24 [eyes of frost]: Nah. Not cool just random. Lol.

2006-04-24 [skullhead]: this is cool you know

2006-04-24 [RabidSphinx]: mine is just a collage of my boyfriend...>>;

2006-04-24 [skullhead]: noooooo dont!! God no...

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: Wow're is definently the most umm...unique

2006-04-25 [Clive Scorch]: Well, I have my desktop background on my house, but I don't know how to format ti to fit this wiki.

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: i'm going to have to get off my ass and put mine up here lol.

2006-04-25 [eyes of frost]: Lol. Yea, while you still have eyes!

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: not this again!

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: there, it's up!

2006-04-25 [skullhead]: can you say center lol

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: yes i can.........i don't get it.....

2006-04-25 [W!ld KAT]: ahhh!! how do i do it???

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: what? upload a pic or get an image of your desktop?

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: actually I would appreciate the latter (I feel so technologically challenged)

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: just to the right of the F F1 F2 F3....that stuff, is a "print screen" button......that copies your desktop the your clipboard.....after that just open up your paint program and past it....CTRL+V

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: haha...I had already presed the print screen button several...hundred times. But I didn't know about the paint thing...and I use paint all the time!

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: ^_^ let me know if you have problems.

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: HA! YES!

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: so uh...if anyone knows how to resize the pic...feel free to do so...but my kitty is just TOO CUTE!

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: done and done

2006-04-25 [zoloftzantac]: I saw [Big Brother] has all of the essentials ... photoshop, ad-aware, Zero-Wing Vid ;)

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: thanks!

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: hehe, i forgot to take off my to do list...oh well

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: and lots lots more....that is just what i have visible.

2006-04-25 [zoloftzantac]: haha, as long as you can get your quick All your Base fix then you are set ;)

2006-04-25 [eyes of frost]: ANGELIC LAYER!!!!!! That is only my most favorate anime...myahahaha....

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: Battlefield has a point....I have a million things I've downloaded that I don't keep shown(because I rarely use them)

2006-04-25 [eyes of frost]: Yea...mine are all in properly labeled folders. Lol.

2006-04-25 [zoloftzantac]: ha, well my whole post to him was supposed to be a joke about how often he must watch the Zero Wing vid ... oh well, I got it ^_^

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: actually that is the sound track to the queen remix of it......and all my recent things and downloads go to my desktop so i remember them...then when things build up i file the older ones. it's a wierd method but i'm wierd myself

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: <.<  >.> I'd submit my desktop pic buuuut...ish not coolies enough compared to the others on here, it just makes me laugh. XD

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: submit it anyhow lol

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol If you say so... I shall upload it then!

2006-04-25 [Ringbearer]: Funny how many users have limewire installed.

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *cough* lol Yeah... I mean... No... I have no such software! <.< >.>

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: funny how most things on my desktop are geared towards helping me not pay attention when i use my laptop in clas...

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: it's not that bad, but all those icons take up system resources.....slows the compy down a bit

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: yeah...i try not to put an whole lot of crap on my desktop....although i do go a little crazy with those vertual post-its some times

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol The only reason I have so many on there is because I haven't cleaned it up in a long while and it's quicker for me to save my desktop rather than anywhere else if it's soon to be deleted anyway. Plus, I'm usually in a hurry when I save things.

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: very true...although i generally delete the things i need to delete right away...

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I'm too lazy. XD I'm actually in the process of deleting the old shtuff... my whole desktop was filled not even two hours ago... O.o'

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: whoa....CRAZY

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod* Yeah. So, it's a WHOLE lot better... XD

2006-04-25 [twinkletoes]: i'm sure it is

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Well...another reason I don't much care about this computer is it's about to be wiped clean and I'm moving to another computer...

2006-04-25 [eyes of frost]: Grarg...

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: My desktop on the other comp isn't so messy and...bright... I'll put it up to replace that one once this lappy goes back to the gov...

2006-04-25 [Love like Winter.]: Mine had a cute, forgetfull fishy on it ^_^ (not anymore, its a picture of a nebula in space).

2006-04-25 [Big Brother]: DORA!!

2006-04-25 [Love like Winter.]: Thats her name... ^_^

2006-04-25 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol

2006-04-25 [Kaos101]: Your's is very cute, Erin ^_^

2006-04-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I cant get my desktop image to load.

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: what do you mean? Can you not get in on Elfpack or can't get it to upload period?

2006-04-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: It wont upload to EP.

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: Is it saying that the size is too big?

2006-04-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: It just stops when I click the 'use this immage button. It wont load or anything. I have to click back to get back to my house

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: I had to use photobucket to load mine.

2006-04-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Never used photobucket.

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: I used that all the time when I had 100 priv because I didn't know how to do it any other way.

2006-04-26 [twinkletoes]: the fishy's name on Riot Girl's desktop is NOT's DORY!

2006-04-26 [gods2armys]: HAHA LOL i hope you guys think mine desktop is funny cuzz i like it its so original :P XDXD

2006-04-26 [Ringbearer]: It is, it contains Internet Explorer :)

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I can't seem to paste it in...I know you'd all love my desktop, too! Clipboard...Paste...Paint...Details on how to do it? >.<, Pleeeeeease?

2006-04-26 [Ringbearer]: Look up, details should be there.

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I read the details. It isn't working... >.<, I swear I'm leet! Noooooo!

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I'll figure it out later today.

2006-04-26 [Willow Rose]: You know... My comp won't and never has, do that print screen then paste thing. >< I always have to have an online friend to do screenshots for me...

2006-04-26 [aisubara]: i can't upload's too big...

2006-04-26 [Firenze]: resize it then

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: wow sure do have alot of...stuff

2006-04-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol That I do.

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